Thursday, August 20, 2015


Monday, July 14, 2014

Hello Everyone,
     So, I have some news for you that I have been anxious to tell you. I found out yesterday that I will  be getting transferred on Wednesday. I am a little scared, okay…. a lot scared! I will be serving in Fond du lac. So far I have heard good things about it, but I am really nervous to leave. It has been a hard couple of days having to say goodbye to families that I have grown really close to and people in the ward that I have grown to love. Ahhhhh! I just can’t believe that I am leaving.  Racine feels like it is my home and I love the people here and I just don't want to leave, BUT I am:) It is pretty crazy! I leave this Wednesday start a new journey… in my new area. Sister Hancock also got transferred.  She will be going to Marquette, in Michigan! Sister Ruiz is staying in Racine:) That is the news with the transfers... it is really hard to say good bye to people that you just love! Super difficult!
       I brought your letter that you sent me mom so that I could look off of it to answer the millions of questions that you have :) So as far as Beverlee goes, she dropped us. It was a really sad phone call that we received this week. She said that the whole church thing was interfering with her family and that her attention was being split.  She told us that she needed to focus on her family problems for a bit. She said that she has our number and will give us a call when she is ready to meet with us again. We were extremely sad when we heard this from her! We are just staying positive and we continue to pray for her.  We know that a seed was planted.. she may not be ready at this time... but she will be down the road:) We have been finding a lot of people these last couple weeks. I am Grateful that I was able to have a successful week and to leave Racine with some potential investigators! As far as work with the Spanish Branch, when sister Ruiz came she pretty much took over with them! Sister Hancock and I would mostly just sit there and Sister Ruiz would translate and then we could bear our testimony and she would translate. Sometimes it would be frustrating because I didn't feel like I was helping, but it was good to have Sister Ruiz because she was able to talk and communicate.  As soon as Sister Ruiz became a part of our trio we no longer went to the Calderwood’s home for Spanish lessons….that was a huge bummer.  We really did not have the time because we have been SO busy, so that was taken off our schedule.  It was not such a “need” with Sistr Ruiz being in our trio:) It is okay though! I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to work with the Spanish Branch.  I am so grateful for the blessing I have had to learn a little Spanish and I am so thankful I had a chance to work with the people I did.  I have learned lots from serving in the Spanish Branch.   I know I am a better person from having the opportunity to meet and work with so many of the members and investigators in the Spanish Branch.  Yes, Austin did get his 6 month package I sent him and he said that he liked it! All the treats inside were some of his favorites, and he said he wore the shirt to do service:) He seemed really appreciative so that was good:) OKAY let me explain the TEA picture.. ha ha ha Mom I am not drinking tea…don't worry! I took that picture and I forgot to send a explanation with it............Here is the explanation:

     So when we are tracting in the heat people will say, “can I give you a bottle of water??” We are always thrilled and say “Of course you can!!!!” It was a VERY HOT day and a lady offered us some water…she went into her home and was there forever!  She came back out with 2 bottles of tea and 1 bottle of water.  She said, “Sorry, I only have 1 bottle of water, but I brought you two some tea.”  {We did not want to offend her so we took it and threw it away around the corner.  I was SUPER thirsty and was bummed I got the “tea” that I could not drink! :) ha ha So, I “posed with the bottle” So sorry about that confusion.. ha ha  but Mom of course I am not drinking tea.. super funny:)                        
     Mom I hope that answers some of your questions! I try my best to be detailed but sometimes I accidently leave things out.
      As far as this week it has been incredible.... I have seen so many miracles! On Tuesday we had Zone training which was really good! We talked about being covenant keeping missionaries. When we are covenant keeping missionaries blessings come and miracles happen! It was a really good reminder to be obedient! On Wednesday, we had a super cool phone call. We were in an appointment, so when we checked our phone after we had a voice mail. This is what the voice mail pretty much said... "Hey my name is Cheryl Johnson and I am a member of the church.. I have not been in a long time but I am looking to come back and I would love it if you would come to my house for dinner tomorrow? " When we listened to the message we were SO EXCITED!!!  Someone calling us telling us she wants to come back, not us going to her and pushing ourselves in to try and get her to come back! She was asking! OH, it was so cool! We met with her on Thursday and she was amazing... she is SO ready to "re learn" and start to get back to church:) Thursday we also got to meet with a less active that I have actually never met before. Her name is Jennie and she was so sweet. She said the closing prayer and in it she said "Thank you for letting the missionaries come over to help me come back to church." it was awesome... I am really excited for both of these ladies! It is hard to leave Racine.. really hard... because I already love these ladies and would really love to be able to teach them and work with them. But… Heavenly Father needs me in Fond du lac now!  As hard as it is to go, and as scared as I am to leave…I am happy to go where my Heavenly Father needs me to go.  I am excited to serve the people in Fond du lac ! Saturday is when I found out that I was leaving, but I didn't know where, just that I was being transferred. Okay, so pretty much I was freaking out the whole day... I was just shocked and it is a scary thing leaving....especially when you just love the people. [As weird as they are,  you love them:) ha ha On Saturday we went to Buffalo Wild Wings with the elders in our Spanish Branch. {I have Not been there before and it was really good. I had a yummy wrap...and caught a “glimpse” of the soccer game.. :) I am a little rascal.. ha ha but you can’t help it…. there were TV's all over!!!!} Then, that night I played my LASTsoccer game with the Spanish Branch.. :( sad.
        Sunday was one of the greatest days so far on my mission!  We have been working with 2 less actives ever since I got here... They are sisters! There names are Juanita and Sulema. Sulema has been to church 1 time in the 4 and a half months that I have been here and Juanita has not come once.  We have been really trying to work with them. Right before church starts all the sudden Juanita walks in the building.  I was SO happy to see her... oh my gosh it was awesome! She was so happy! I can’t explain to you the Joy and happiness that you could see in her eyes as she sat through all 3 hours of church!  I didn't think it could get better then having her finally come to church, then all of a sudden Sulema [her sister] walks in! I was THRILLED! I was thinking to myself “Are you kidding? They are both here?” I ran up to Sulema and gave her a hug and said to her “Oh my gosh, you are both here!” and Sulema said to me “What???” and I told her that Juanita was there…She did not even know that her sister was going to be there.  That sacrament meeting was the best ever.  For me to see Juanita and Sulema sitting together at church was the coolest thing ever!  It was a really happy day!  It was seriously so rewarding for me!  Hard work pays off!! The spirit works in wonderful, amazing ways!  The fact that they both showed up and it was not planned was pretty sweet. I am so grateful to have been able to serve here in Racine.   Sometimes it is hard because I think.. “what have I done??” Seeing this happen yesterday and seeing the joy in both of them together was probably my highlight of my time serving in Racine. I love to see the joy that people have because of the incredible gospel.  It is so wonderful to see lives change, and to see the happiness the gospel brings into lives.  It is amazing!  This church is true and I love to be able to go out and share it with everyone that I meet! I am so happy that I had the opportunity to serve in Racine and I will never forget it.  It is now time to continue my journey and move to my new area in Fond du lac Wisconsin:) I love you all and you are in my prayers everyday! Thank you for all the love and support... I really look forward to talking to you next week to let you know how things are going in the new area... have a good week:)
With love,
-Sister Cosgrove

#1. Our last night with the Calderwood family...sad goodbye (don't worry we included the pet hamster in the photo) It was so hard to say goodbye to this family.  Love them!  #2. Last District Meeting Photos  #3.  Me with Brother and Sister Milner.  He is the ward mission leader.  They are super awesome.  #4. Juanita & Sulema at church with me  #5. Me and the Briggs (the members that I have been living with.  Man alive I am going to miss them.. They really are so awesome.... They are the best and I have LOVED living with them. I am going to miss living with members.)  #6. Elder Ship, Elder Brand, Sister Hancock and me with the Calderwood family. (the 4 that are leaving in one final picture with the Calderwood family :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, what's the kind of watch you were wearing? I'm looking for one like that
